Mercedes-Benz needs Big Data solutions to be ahead in connected car technologies

Mercedes-Benz, Bosch and HDI have partnered up with European accelerator network Startupbootcamp to access ideas in the fields of connectivity, mobility and big data.

As part of this partnership, called SBC2go, the partners will provide financial resources, mentors and marketing support to startups selected to participate in the programme.

Dr. Frank Spennemann from Daimler lab and Mercedes-Benz says partnering with Startupbootcamp Berlin will “accelerate our access to innovation and will plug us into an impressive community of alumni, mentors and investors. At the same time we support start-ups in developing business ideas and increase their market value. Due to our global presence we can open doors to new markets.”

So, what is Mercedes-Benz, Bosh and HDI looking for?

E.g. Daimler has a number of initiatives already such as the Car2Go car-sharing service which has over 7,000 vehicles in 18 cities on the road in Europe and North America

They need basic, advanced and realtime data anlytics. How basic traffic data analytics can look like, can already be seen at

uber - networks, showing probabilities

Here are San Francisco’s location networks, showing the probability that a ride starts in one neighborhood and ends in another.

Having this kind of analytics in realtime, car sharing service car2go could offer e.g. dynamic pricing. This would mean an competitve advantge to DriveNow (BMW), flinkster (Deutsche Bahn) and ZebraMobil.

It is great to see that Mercedes-Benz, Bosch and HDI are supporting the Berlin start-up ecosystem. The output of this partnership will be definitely interesting.



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