Viktor Mayer-Schönberger: Korrelationen sind gut genug für Big Data

re:publica 2014 – Viktor Mayer-Schönberge

Freiheit und Vorhersage: Über die ethischen Grenzen von Big Data – Big Data braucht Demut und Menschlichkeit.

Mayer-Schönberger stellt klar, dass Vorhersagen (predicitive analytics) durch Big Data selbstverständlich ein Risiko mindern und die Welt dadurch ein Stück weit einschätzbar wird. Doch es ist Vorsicht geboten wenn Vorhersagen drastische Konsequenzen haben können. Denn Vorhersagen sind nie perfekt, es sind nur Aussagen über eine Wahrscheinlichkeit. Aufgrund dessen darf nicht über Menschen gerichtet werden.

Auch und gerade deshalb fordert der Oxford-Professor das Recht auf Vergessenwerden im Internet sowie den Schutz menschlicher Handlungsfreiheit ein.

Big Data is a topic at the Digital Innovators’ Summit 2013 in Berlin (18 – 19 March 2013)

The Digital Innovators’ Summit is an annual two day international digital media conference that brings together senior executives from magazine and digital media companies, technology innovators and solution providers to understand emerging trends, share innovative ideas and solutions, gain exposure to new relevant technologies and to network.

It will be intereting to learn about the Big Data aproach of major magazine media. The conference is a platform created by FIPP and VDZ, two major magazine media trade organizations. During the two day conference there will be two talks on Big Data.

  • Jean-Paul Schmetz (Chief Scientist, Hubert Burda Media) will have a talk on Big Data in B2C Publishing.

Track 2: Big Data in B2B Publishing

  • Michael Dell (Senior Vice President, IHS / Managing Director, IHS Jane’s, IHS) will have a talk on Big Data in B2B Publishing.

Track 2: Big Data in B2B Publishing



Peter Voss Datameer interviewed by tecpunk

Peter Voss Datameer from newthinking on Vimeo.

Peter Voss Datameer from newthinking on Vimeo.

Peter Voss is CTO at Datameer with extensive experience in software engineering and architecture of large-scale data processing. His focus has been largely on UNIX based enterprise systems with extensive background in Java, Spring, Hadoop, Lucene and Eclipse plug-in development.

Prior to Datameer, Peter consulted on a number of big data business intelligence projects with companies such as EMI Music and Krugle. Earlier, he was architect and developer for Deutsche Post and their ePost project, a distributed production system that processed more than 1 billion letters per year. Peter studied biology and has a Diplom (i.e., a Masters) in biochemistry and bioinformatics from the University of Köln.

Recorded at berlin buzzwords 2012.
More at

Produzed by Alexander Oelling and Philippe Souidi.

Creative Data Agency from Germany